Don’t Be This Guy!


You have a great network, yay!

Great opportunities will come your way.

Except they won’t.

At least not how and when you imagined.

But, more frequently,  ‘not great’ opportunities will come your way.

Some will see you as an introducer for whatever they offer (and it may be great), and ‘incentivize’ you with commission, but usually no base pay.

Which, in and of itself, is not great, but what happens when someone else makes the same offer? 

You can’t be that guy.

Better if they buy something from you that you want to do for them, and as a by-product, if the stars align, you can make an intro for them, with no business arrangement, as a goodwill gesture.

Then apply that model to multiple clients.

You help them, but you’re still you.

You are not the less-than-authentic salesman in an overcoat with many pockets.